tundra$85686$ - translation to ελληνικό
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tundra$85686$ - translation to ελληνικό

Tundra Press; Tundra UK

n. έλη του βορρά, άδενδρες πεδιάδες του βορρά, τούντρα
forest fires         
  • Lightning-sparked wildfires are frequent occurrences during the dry summer season in [[Nevada]].
  • 2003 Canberra firestorm]]
  • boreal pine forest]] next to Hara Bog, [[Lahemaa National Park]], [[Estonia]]. The pictures were taken one and two years after the fire.
  • Aerial view of deliberate wildfires on the [[Khun Tan Range]], [[Thailand]]. These fires are lit by local farmers every year to promote the growth of a certain mushroom
  • A dirt road acted as a fire barrier in [[South Africa]]. The effects of the barrier can clearly be seen on the unburnt (left) and burnt (right) sides of the road.
  • ''[[Elk Bath]]'', an award winning photograph of elk avoiding a wildfire in [[Montana]]
  • Animation of diaphragmatic breathing with the diaphragm shown in green
  • Dry Mountain Fire Lookout in the [[Ochoco National Forest]], [[Oregon]], circa 1930
  • North Cascades]], United States
  • Global fires during the year 2008 for the months of August (top image) and February (bottom image), as detected by the [[Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer]] (MODIS) on NASA's [[Terra satellite]].
  • Global map of fire alerts on April 13, 2021. Available from [[Global Forest Watch]]. [https://www.globalforestwatch.org/map/?map=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&menu=eyJtZW51U2VjdGlvbiI6IiIsImRhdGFzZXRDYXRlZ29yeSI6IiJ9 <u>Live updates</u>].
  • A short video on managing and protecting the natural habitat between a town and the hillside, from the risk of fire.
  • A wildfire in [[Venezuela]] during a [[drought]].
  • Smoke from the [[2020 California wildfires]] settles over [[San Francisco]]
  • alt=A line of trees completely engulfed in flames. Towers with instrumentation are seen just beyond the fire's reach.
  • A prescribed burn in a ''[[Pinus nigra]]'' stand in [[Portugal]]
  • Forest fires visible from a distance in [[Dajti National Park]], [[Tirana]], [[Albania]]
  • Fire Propagation Model
  • 2019–20 Australian bushfires]]).
  • A Russian firefighter extinguishing a wildfire
  • Sediment off the Yucatan Peninsula
  • UC Irvine scientist James Randerson discusses new research linking ocean temperatures and fire-season severity
  • National map of groundwater and soil moisture in the United States. It shows the very low soil moisture associated with the 2011 fire season in [[Texas]].
  • url-status=live}} Data published by National Interagency Coordination Center; National Interagency Fire Center. ([https://web.archive.org/web/20211011082005/https://www.nifc.gov/fire-information/statistics/wildfires archive of NIFC data])</ref>
  • Wildfire fighters cutting down a tree using a chainsaw
  • A surface fire in the western desert of [[Utah]], United States
  • Wildfires across the [[Balkans]] in late July 2007 ([[MODIS]] image)
  • Hopkinton]], New Hampshire
Bushfire; Bush fire; Brush fire; Forest fire; Spreading like wildfire; Wildfires; Bushfires; Grass fire; Wildland fire; Forest fires; Wildland Fire; Brush Fire; Brush fires; Wild fire; Vegetation fire; Fire meteorology; Uncontrolled burn; Veldfire; Northwest Crown Fire Experiment; Northwest Crown Fire Experiments; Crown fire; Wildland fires; Natural fires; Natural fire; Vegetation fire; Wild fires; Tundra Fire; Brushfire; Health effects of wildfires; Causes of wildfires; Brushfires; Climate change and wildfires; Wildfires and climate change; Health impacts of wildfire smoke; Health effects of wildfire smoke; Bush fires; Spotting fire; Ground fire; Surface fire; Spot fire; Forest fire detection; Wildfire detection; Remote sensing of wildfires
πυρκαγιές στο δάσος


Tundra is one of the large flat areas of land in the north of Europe, Asia, and America. The ground below the top layer of soil is always frozen and no trees grow there.


Tundra Publishing

Tundra Publishing was a Northampton, Massachusetts-based comic book publisher founded by Kevin Eastman in 1990. The company was founded to provide a venue for adventurous, creator-owned work by talented cartoonists and illustrators. Its publications were noted in the trade for their high production values, including glossy paper stock, full-color printing, and square binding. Tundra was one of the earlier creator-owned companies, before the formation of Image Comics and Dark Horse Comics' Legends imprint.

Creators and projects involved with Tundra included Alan Moore and Bill Sienkiewicz's Big Numbers, Moore & Eddie Campbell's From Hell, Moore & Melinda Gebbie's Lost Girls (these last two original serialised in Stephen R. Bissette's Taboo anthology, which was also part-published by Tundra), The Crow, Mike Allred's Madman and Dave McKean's Cages.

Despite its ambitious start, Tundra never became a profitable enterprise. It closed its doors in 1993 after burning through $14 million in three years. Kitchen Sink Press acquired its holdings; it reprinted popular Tundra publications such as Understanding Comics and continued to publish some Tundra series such as Taboo.